Before You Start Your Journey, Learn the Rules of the Road

Remember the day you first got your driver’s license? Remember how excited you were when the DMV clerk handed you the little piece of paper that said you were allowed to drive a car all by yourself?

That little piece of paper gave you freedom, but it also came with responsibility. Accepting it meant you were agreeing to follow the rules of the road, from obeying speed limits to yielding the right of way when other drivers enter the highway. These are the tools that keep us safe as we journey toward our destination.

Your journey to success in life also has rules to keep you moving smoothly and efficiently toward your goals. They help you orient yourself to where you are and figure out where you want to go, and then help you move with confidence to your destination.

This doesn’t mean your road will be perfect. You’ll still run into some potholes; that’s inevitable. But by following my seven Rules of the Road, you’ll be better able to avoid them and keep on rolling down the road.

Rule 1: Know Your Voice

Everyone speaks with two private voices – the heart and the mind – and one public voice, the mouth. The private voices speak about the things we tell ourselves, and the public voice translates our thoughts into words that we think will sound acceptable to society. For example, your public voice may tell everyone that you love your job or relationship, while your private voice tells you’re bored at work or you feel stifled by your partner. To speak authentically to the world and yourself, you must align these voices.

Rule 2: Know Who You Are and Who You Want to Be

The rear-view mirror on your car’s passenger side probably says something like “Objects are closer than they appear.” What do you see when you look at yourself? in the mirror in your home? Do you see yourself as you are, or is the image distorted and unclear? You may not be consciously aware of it, but you’re only fooling yourself when you speak and act inauthentically. Get clear on who you really are and who you want to be, and the picture of yourself will come into focus.

Rule 3: Know Your Driving Patterns

Have you ever driven to work or somewhere else you go every day and realized you don’t remember any part of the trip? The route has become such a habit that you might not even be able to give someone else the directions. “My car knows how to get there, but I don’t,” you joke. Sometimes a habit like that is good; it frees our mind to focus on more important things. What about your other routines? Are they actually holding you back?

Rule 4: Know Your True Destination

Like a wise man once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up there.” Without a road map to plan where you’re going, you’ll get somewhere, but who knows if it’s where you really should be? There are many exits on life’s highway, and many of them just take you to dead ends. If you don’t know your destination, you will waste time, energy, and resources by getting off at the wrong exit and going nowhere.

Rule 5: Know Your Passions

Your passion is your core, your purpose – the fuel that powers your journey. Without it, all you can do is coast along and hope you don’t hit any hills. But what is your passion? What is the fuel that will take you farther down the road? Like gassing up your car tank before starting out, you need to identify the beliefs that fuel your passion.

Rule 6: Know When to Get a Tune-up

Fear, insecurity and deep-rooted lack of enthusiasm are some of the mindsets that make us stall out on our journey. These are the mindsets where lack of self-worth and confidence reside. You must recognize the early warning signs of vehicle failure before you break down. Stop, look, and listen to what’s going on, both inside and outside.

Rule 7: Know Your Power

You have the power to manifest your thoughts into reality. The power that lies beneath the hood is waiting for you to turn the ignition and start your engine.

Are you road-ready? Before you start traveling, make sure you’ve fueled up. The Passion Test will identify what matters most to you and will engage your drive to succeed. Take your free Passion test assessment and get started today.

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