Heather’s Road


When you set out on a trip somewhere, do you plan to get lost?

Probably not. I know you might assume you’re going to get lost because you’re “directionally challenged,” but you don’t get in the car and say, “Now, what’s the wrong way for me to go?”

I know you don’t look at your life goals like that either. “What’s the fastest way for me to fail at achieving my dreams?” No, I don’t think so.

But just as we don’t know we’re lost until long after taking a wrong turn, we usually don’t know we’ve gone off track until we’re living with the results of our choices. I’m not going to call them bad choices or good choices; they are simply decisions that we make, which lead to positive or negative consequences that we must live with.

I didn’t know I was lost, because I thought was on the right road. I couldn’t quite grasp why most of my life was so unsatisfying. I loved being a mother to my son, but nothing else was that good. Work was unsatisfying, and divorce had not resolved the anger I felt for my ex-husband.

I was living with this vague sense of unhappiness, a problem I couldn’t quite name, not understanding what was wrong. Ask for help? Not me! As a military veteran, I had always been a person who gets things done – someone who sees an objective, comes up with a strategy to achieve it and executes as planned. Mission accomplished. Surely, I could accomplish my personal mission on my own. Whatever it was, it was my problem and my problem to solve.

The truth was, I did need help. I just didn’t know how to accept it – or even how to ask in the first place.

The realization hit me one Sunday morning as I was driving across a bridge in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Somehow, everything fell into place and I realized I had totally accepted myself and where I was on my life’s journey. As I let go of my unconscious anger at my ex-husband, everything shifted and became more positive.

As I continued moving toward my goals, everything began to happen as I envisioned it to happen.

That day was the beginning of a process of identifying the roadblocks that stood in my way as I moved toward my goals. For me, the hardest part was learning how to ask for help. Once I did that, my road became clearer and clearer.

What roadblocks are you encountering on your journey toward achieving your goals? Are you even on the right path? I invite you to join me as we answer those questions and find our way together.

Your Journey Begins Now

Recognizing that you need to find a new way is the first step toward success. The next step is to ask for directions.

  • Ask for help: Some of us can travel solo but, as we’ll see, the most rewarding trips – and the most fun – are those that we take with someone else.
  • Say what you want: No one knows better than you what you need, and it’s an unfortunate truth that no one is going to ask what that is. Speak up! You may find that people have just been waiting for you to ask, and they’re eager to help you.
  • Own your gifts and know that they are valuable: You need help, but you’re not helpless. You already have many of the tools you need for success and just need hep putting them to use.

Ready? Let’s go!

Your Starting Point

Start your journey to success with the Passion Test, which uses a series of questions to identify the top five passions that drive you. You’ll then work with Heather D. Mahoney, a certified Passion Test facilitator, to orient your life in alignment with your passions and create the life you’ve always wanted. Your first step? Take Heather’s free assessment.

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